To find a nearby Burke & Herbert Bank branch or ATM, please use our convenient branch locator
Our branches offer convenient lobby banking services Monday through Friday, with many branches offering Saturday hours as well. Temporary changes to hours may be required at times. To check current hours of operation at a specific branch, please use our branch locator.
Please call us at 1-855-571-5824 if you have any questions or need any assistance with your accounts or services. Our customer service representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8 am to 6 pm and on Saturday from 8 am to 2 pm. (We are closed on federal holidays.)
24-Hour Automated Telephone Banking service is available by calling 1-877-440-0800
Our routing number is 056001066.
- Your current balance is the amount of money in your account right now, but you may have authorized some of those funds to be paid out (e.g. via a debit card or digital banking transaction) so there is a hold on those funds, even though they haven’t yet been withdrawn.
- Your available balance is the amount of money in your account that is available for withdrawal, net of any holds.
A hold is a period of time that a bank is allowed to wait before releasing funds from a deposited check for withdrawal. This is to allow sufficient time for the Bank to receive the funds from the check you deposited. The amount of time that a bank may hold a check is regulated by the United States Federal Reserve, under Regulation CC. Banks are required by law to disclose their check hold policies. Read more about Burke & Herbert Bank’s policy for check holds.
Burke & Herbert Bank’s business days are Monday through Friday, excluding any federal holidays. Transactions initiated in a branch on Saturday will be considered completed on Monday’s business day (or the following day if Monday is a holiday). Business days and holidays for the current year are available on our Bank Hours & Holiday Schedule.
For Burke & Herbert Bank’s current deposit rates on checking, savings, and money market accounts and certificates of deposit, please visit any branch or call us at 1-855-571-5824. For rates on mortgage and other loan products, please call us at 1-855-571-5824 and ask to speak with a Loan Officer.
Your account number is visible on your monthly statement or eStatement, and for checking accounts, is printed on your checks. If you need further assistance, please call us at 1-855-571-5824 or visit any branch.
Yes. Burke & Herbert Bank branches have team members who can provide notary services to Burke & Herbert Bank customers. We recommend that you call ahead to be sure that the certified notary will be at the branch when you plan to visit. There is no cost to customers for this service.
Yes. Medallion signature guarantee service is offered to Burke & Herbert Bank customers in Burke & Herbert Bank branches as well as through Trust Services. We recommend that you call ahead to arrange for this to be available when you need it. There is no cost to customers for this service.
You can change your address by contacting us at 1-855-571-5824, or by visiting any branch to complete a change of address form.
To change your name on an existing account, please visit your local Burke & Herbert Bank branch and bring with you documentation of the legal change in your name which includes an updated photo ID such as your driver’s license as well as an updated social security card.
You may request stop payment of a check by calling us at 1-855-571-5824, or by visiting any branch. Certain fees may apply. Please refer to our schedule of fees. Business banking customers also may initiate stop payment requests through Digital Banking for Business.
- Personal banking customers can send a wire transfer in person from any branch during banking hours. To send the wire, you will need to obtain wiring instructions from the individual or company/organization that will receive the funds.
- There are fees to send and receive wires both domestically and internationally. Please refer to our schedule of fees.
- Business banking customers also may send and receive wires via Digital Banking for Business using the Online Wires service.
Yes, if the check is drawn on Burke & Herbert Bank, you may present it for payment at any Bank branch. You must provide a valid form of identification, and there must be sufficient funds in the account to cover the amount of the check. Fee may apply.
A cashier’s check, also known an official bank check, is a check guaranteed by a bank, drawn on the bank’s own funds and signed by an authorized representative of the Bank. Cashier’s checks are usually made out on behalf of a bank customer who pays the bank the value of the check. Cashier’s checks are considered guaranteed funds and are commonly used for real estate and other large transactions.
Yes, Burke & Herbert Bank offers cashier’s checks for Bank customers. A purchase fee applies. Please refer to our schedule of fees.
No, Burke & Herbert Bank does not sell money orders. However, if you have an account with us, you may purchase a cashier’s check instead. Similar to a money order, a cashier’s check provides your check recipient with the peace of mind knowing that the funds are guaranteed.
Yes. Safe deposit boxes are available at most Burke & Herbert Bank branches, in a variety of sizes to meet your needs. Check to see which branches offer safe deposit box services. The annual rental fee for your safe deposit box will be deducted automatically from your Burke & Herbert Bank checking account.
Yes. Burke & Herbert Bank offers coin counting service via our QuickChange machines, available at select branches. This service is free for Burke & Herbert Bank customers. Check to see which branches offer QuickChange machines.
Yes. The account will be considered to be dormant after 365 consecutive days of inactivity. A monthly fee will be imposed until the account is made active or the account is closed. Please refer to our schedule of fees.
Allpoint ATMs are completely surcharge-free for Burke & Herbert Bank Visa® Debit and Business Visa® Debit cardholders.
- Use the locator at
- Download the Allpoint App (Available for iPhone and Android devices)
- Visit Allpoint ATM locator and look for this logo on the ATM:
Yes! Use your current Burke & Herbert Bank Visa® Debit card to gain Allpoint surcharge-free access at 55,000 ATM locations worldwide. There is no additional sign in or action required!
Many Allpoint Network machines look like they are operated by other banks or credit unions, however, all ATMs listed on the Allpoint locator are part of the Allpoint Network and are surcharge-free for Allpoint cardholders. Just look for the Allpoint sticker on the lower part of the ATM.
No – the surcharge screen is there to notify customers of other institutions who are not participating in the Allpoint Network. Just press “Yes” to accept the fee and continue with your transaction. Allpoint cardholders won’t be charged.
Please call our Client Care Center at 1-855-571-5824 for information on surcharge refunds.
A digital wallet is a payment app on your smartphone or mobile device that carries your debit or credit card information securely in an encrypted digital form. When making purchases with a digital wallet, there is no need to use a physical card, or even to touch the payment terminal at checkout. Popular digital wallet apps include Apple Pay®, Google Pay® and Samsung Pay®.
- To get started, find and open the digital wallet app on your phone or other mobile device, and follow the steps to enroll your Burke & Herbert Bank Visa® Debit Card or Business Visa® Debit Card, along with your Burke & Herbert Bank credit card.
- Purchases are made at any payment terminal displaying a Contactless Symbol, by holding the phone near the terminal and confirming the purchase with your fingerprint or facial recognition on your device.
Yes. You can enroll your Burke & Herbert Bank debit card in all of these digital wallet apps.
No. There is no fee to use a digital wallet service.
Yes. You can enroll your Burke & Herbert Bank credit card in all of these digital wallet apps.
Yes, for the protection of our customers and the Bank, there is a daily limit on ATM withdrawals. The withdrawal limit associated with your Card is provided in the materials that come with the Card sent to you by mail. The same is true for purchase limits. There is a daily limit on the total dollar amount of purchases you may complete using your Card. This limit also is provided in the materials that come with your Card. If you have a question about your limits or wish to request a change in your limits, please call us at 1-855-571-5824 or stop by any branch.
Yes. You can request an increase to the purchase limit on your Debit Card at any branch, or by calling us at 1-855-571-5824.
- If your Burke & Herbert Bank Visa® Debit Card has been lost or stolen, it is important to notify us immediately by calling 1-855-571-5824 or 1-888-297-3416. Or, please visit your local Burke & Herbert Bank branch.
- If your Burke & Herbert Bank credit card has been lost or stolen, please call 1-800-883-0131.
You can change the PIN on your Burke & Herbert Bank Visa® Debit Card by calling our Automated Telephone Banking Service at 1-800-290-7893, or by visiting any branch during business hours.
Be on the lookout for your new Burke & Herbert Bank Visa® Debit Card in the mail within the first two weeks of the month in which your Card is set to expire.
To enroll in Digital Banking, you will need your Burke & Herbert Bank account number, your Social Security Number (SSN) or Tax Identification Number (TIN), and the email address that you have on file with us. Then, choose the “Sign Me Up” button on the Bank’s website and complete the enrollment form. You will receive a verification email to complete the secure sign-up process.
Please call us at 1-855-571-5824 for assistance.
To sign-up for eStatements, you must be enrolled in Digital Banking. Once you are logged in to Digital Banking, select the eStatements tab and follow the easy steps to enroll your accounts. Once enrolled, you will begin receiving your account statements online and stop receiving paper statements in the mail.
You will be notified via email when your eStatement is ready and will have access to your eStatement when you log in to Digital Banking as soon as your statement period ends each month.
You will have access to up to 18 months of statement history within Digital Banking. History will begin accumulating once you have enrolled.
To access your accounts via a smartphone or tablet, simply download the Burke & Herbert Bank Mobile Banking app for iPhone®, iPad®, or Android™ onto your mobile device. Log in using your Digital Banking user ID and password.
You can deposit checks into your account easily, using the Burke & Herbert Bank Mobile Banking App. First, endorse (sign) the back of the check and write “For Mobile Deposit – Burke & Herbert Bank.” Then, using the Mobile Banking app, take a picture of the front and back of the check, select your “deposit to” account, enter the check amount, submit, and you’re done.
Yes. Daily and monthly deposit limits apply. To view your limits, tap on the Information icon within the Deposits section of the Mobile Banking app. Our standard limits are $5,000 per day and $10,000 per month for personal banking customers; $10,000 per day and $25,000 per month for business banking customers.
Yes. You can request an increase to your mobile banking deposit limits by visiting any branch location, or calling 1-855-571-5824.
To endorse a check that you want to deposit by phone, sign the back of the check and write “For Mobile Deposit – Burke & Herbert Bank.” You will receive email verification that your deposit has been accepted. Retain the check for 10 business days at which time the check can be shredded.
Yes. You can transfer funds from and to your accounts at Burke & Herbert Bank and your accounts at other banks using the Bank-to-Bank transfer feature in Digital Banking. Select “Bank-to-Bank transfer” from the Digital Banking menu and follow the prompts to enroll your non-Burke & Herbert Bank accounts and then initiate your transfers. Once your accounts are enrolled through Digital Banking, you may initiate Bank-to-Bank transfers through the mobile app as well.
You may submit up to five inbound transfers totaling $1,000 per day and five outbound transfers totaling $1,000 per day. You also may set up recurring or future-dated transfers. Recurring transfers will count towards your totals on the day that the transfer is scheduled to occur.
Make Person-to-Person (P2P) payments using Digital Banking. Once you are logged in to Digital Banking, simply select the “Pay a Person” option under “Payments” and follow the steps. The recipient of your payment will be prompted to accept your payment by email or text. Payees set up for P2P payments in Digital Banking will be available to you via Mobile Banking as well.
If your employer offers direct deposit for paychecks, ask your employer for a direct deposit form for you to complete. Return the completed form to your employer along with a blank, voided Burke & Herbert Bank check or deposit slip.
Yes. When you complete your direct deposit request, include the account numbers and dollar amounts (or percentages) that you would like deposited into each account on an ongoing basis. If you already have direct deposit and would like to make changes to the account(s) receiving funds, contact your employer about making an adjustment.
To open a new personal account, you will need:
- A valid, not-expired photo ID such as a state driver’s license, U.S. Government-issued passport, military identification, or Alien Registration Card (Green Card)
- Documentation of your current address if it is not on your primary form of identification
- Social Security Number or Tax Identification Number
- Funds to open the account
Depending on the type of business, documentation required may include a current business license, articles of incorporation, certificate of good standing, and other items. Please call us at 1-855-571-5824 or visit any branch for further information.
Your new debit card will be issued instantly in the branch at the same time that you open your new account.
A secured credit card is a card that is backed by a cash security deposit. Once approved for a secured credit card, you will provide a security deposit of $300 – $5,000. The amount of the security deposit is the card’s credit limit. If used responsibly, you may become eligible for an upgrade to an unsecured card in as little 13 months. Secured credit cards are a popular choice for consumers looking to build or rebuild credit.
You may browse the online catalog and redeem your Burke & Herbert Bank credit card reward points online at
You can access your Burke & Herbert Bank credit card account online at
The toll-free number for credit card customer service is 1-800-883-0131. Outside the U.S., call 813-868-2891. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Please write to us if you believe there has been an error in the servicing of your loan or to request additional information. You must submit your notice of error or request for servicing information to the following address:
Burke & Herbert Bank & Trust Company
Attn: Operations Support & Delivery Department
PO Box 179
Moorefield, WV 26836
Please be sure to include on your written request your name, account number, and a detail description of the error or detail list of information being requested.
We will promptly acknowledge your request, investigate, and correct any errors which occurred. We will also provide you with written notification explaining the outcome of our investigation. If you fail to use the designated address, you may not receive a timely response or any response.
For a fixed-rate mortgage, the interest rate is set when you take out the loan, and will not change. For an adjustable-rate mortgage (often called an “ARM”), the interest can go up or down periodically. The adjustment period, and any caps or floors on future adjustments, will be detailed in your loan documents.
Points, also called discount points, are a type of prepaid interest or fee that a borrower can choose when applying for a mortgage loan. By paying points up front, the borrower can lower the interest rate that will be in effect over the life of the loan. One point equals 1% of the mortgage loan amount. Depending on the borrower, each point paid up front can lower the interest rate by one eighth to one quarter of a percent.
Earnest money is a deposit made by a home buyer as a sign of good faith. The deposit is typically made when a purchase agreement is signed, and counts toward the down payment.
While down payments often range between 5% and 20% of the sales price, some mortgage programs may permit down payments as low as 3%, or even 0% in the case of some VA loans (which are loans backed by the Department of Veterans Affairs). The size of a down payment depends on many factors, including the type of mortgage loan and your credit history.
A down payment is the amount of cash you pay toward the purchase of your home, to make up the difference between the home’s purchase price and the amount of your mortgage loan.
Closing costs are fees that are charged by third parties when a home sale occurs. They include such items as home inspection, credit report, attorney’s fees, etc. On average, closing costs amount to 3% of a home’s sale price. Some of these fees (like a home inspection) may be paid before the actual closing date.
In addition to closing costs, home buyers should expect to pay homeowners insurance, title insurance and property taxes.
Within three (3) days of receiving a completed mortgage application, lenders are required to provide borrowers a Loan Estimate, which includes an itemized, detailed list of estimated costs associated with a home loan.
For conventional loans, private mortgage insurance protects the lender if you default on your loan. If your down payment is less than 20%, most lenders will require you to pay mortgage insurance.
PITI is an acronym for principal, interest, taxes, and insurance, and is the monthly housing expense that a borrower will pay.
The APR represents the annual cost of a loan to a borrower, and is expressed as a percentage. Unlike a loan’s interest rate, the APR reflects the total cost of the loan, because it factors in other charges such as mortgage insurance, closing costs, and any loan origination fees and discount points paid. The Federal Truth in Lending Act requires that every consumer loan agreement disclose the APR. Borrowers can use the APR as a good basis for comparing the costs of similar loans.
A finance charge expresses the cost of credit as a dollar amount. It includes the amount of interest paid during the term of the loan, plus points and other items.
When referring to adjustable rate mortgage loans, an index is a rate used by a lender as a basis for setting an interest rate at the beginning of each adjustment period. Generally, the index plus or minus a margin equals the new rate that will be charged, subject to any interest rate caps. Lenders use a variety of financial index rates, such as the London Interbank Offer Rate (LIBOR), Wall Street Journal Prime Rate, and US Treasury Bills, among others.
The margin equals the number of percentage points that a lender will add to or subtract from an index rate to determine the interest rate to charge on a loan. While an index may rise and fall over the life of a loan, the margin remains constant and is specified on loan documents.
A conforming loan is mortgage whose size is equal to or less than the dollar limit set by the Federal Housing Finance Agency, and whose terms meet the funding criteria set by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In the Washington DC region, the dollar limit is currently $1,209,750.
Also called a non-conforming loan, a jumbo mortgage exceeds standards that would make it eligible for sale to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Jumbo mortgages typically have higher rates and additional restrictions due to the large loan amounts.
An appraisal is an informed estimate of a property’s current market value, performed by a professional appraiser.
The assessed value of a property is established by a public tax assessor and used to determine property taxes.
Amortization is the gradual reduction in the principal amount owed on a debt as loan payments are made. Early in a loan term, most of each payment is applied toward the interest owed. During the final years of the loan, payment amounts are applied almost exclusively to the remaining principal.
Pre-qualification is the process of a potential borrower providing financial and other information to a lender, so that the lender can estimate how much the borrower can borrow to purchase a home. A pre-qualification is not a commitment to lend.
Underwriting is the lender’s process of analyzing and determining whether or not to make a loan. An underwriter considers a potential borrower’s credit, employment, assets and other factors, and determines a loan amount and terms based on those criteria.
Refinancing a loan means getting a new loan to pay off an existing loan. Home owners generally refinance to take advantage of lower interest rates and lower monthly payments. A “cash-out” refinance occurs when the new loan amount exceeds the amount of the previous loan, and the borrower takes the excess in cash to be used for another purpose.
Your home’s loan-to-value ratio is the unpaid balance on your mortgage divided by the market value of your home. LTV ratios are expressed as a percentage. For example, if you have a $300,000 mortgage and your home’s value is $400,000, the LTV is 75% ($300,000 / $400,000 = 75%).
Forbearance is a period of time, granted by a lender, during which monthly loan payments are temporarily reduced or suspended due to certain types of financial hardships. During forbearance, principal payments are postponed, but interest continues to accrue on the loan.
Foreclosure is a legal procedure that occurs when a borrower has defaulted on a mortgage loan, and the lender sells the property to recoup the cost of the loan. If the amount received at the foreclosure is not enough to fully repay the loan, the original borrower may continue to owe the lender the difference.