Fraud Scams
ALERT: Phone, Text and E-Mails Targeting Burke & Herbert Bank Customers

Burke & Herbert Bank is fully committed to protecting the security and privacy of our customers, and we remain vigilant in combating threats to the security of customer accounts and information. Cybercriminals have begun to shift their approach by targeting consumers directly through known and trusted channels of communication. We have become aware of sophisticated methods involving fraudulent outreach via text, e-mail and phone calls that appear to be coming from Burke & Herbert Bank, but actually are being generated by malicious third parties using “spoofing” techniques to initiate conversations with customers in an attempt to obtain personal or account-related information.
The best defense against these tactics is heightened awareness. If you receive an unexpected text, email or phone call that appears to be from Burke & Herbert Bank, we recommend the following:
- Do not click on any text or email links in fraud alerts.
- Do not respond to requests for personal or financial information such as your Digital Banking passwords, account numbers or Social Security numbers. Burke & Herbert Bank will never request this type of information by phone, text or email.
If you believe you may have responded to a fraudulent text or e-mail and disclosed personal or account-related information, you should immediately change your Burke & Herbert Bank Digital Banking Username and Password, then contact us directly at 1-855-571-5824.
Visit our Security Center for more information on the prevention, detection and remediation of these types of fraud scams.